The Inspection Experience
The Septic Tank:
We check the tank’s integrity, risers, and lids for deterioration or abnormal conditions. Inlet and outlet baffles are physically inspected for proper operation. The outlet filter is cleaned (if applicable)
The Flow Test:
We do a system flow test to evaluate the drain field efficiency.
The Drain Field Inspection:
We will dig up the distribution boxes and inspect for deterioration and the presence of any solids. We expose the leaching trenches or galley and check for proper operation.
The Area Inspection:
We check the tank’s integrity, risers, and lids for deterioration or abnormal conditions. Inlet and outlet baffles are physically inspected for proper operation. The outlet filter is cleaned (if applicable).
Prior History & Usage:
We compile any information and history of the septic system to establish a timeline of usage as far back as possible.
Full Inspection Report:
We document in writing all inspection findings and provide a detailed report to the client.